eibabo® Shopping 4.0

Technology is developing more quickly than ever. But what will the experience of going shopping in your own living room look like in the future? In the last few years, we’ve had the chance to acquire a great deal of experience in this area, especially with our own 3D applications and development department.


We will share some interesting presentations on this topic at the beginning of July 2020. One major new innovation will be the display of a floating 2D holograph of the desired article using a smartphone. This image displayed will me enormous in comparison to the small smartphone screen, which allows far more information and data than ever before to be made available.


We will also present a 1:1 3D holograph in which the product’s surface structure can be felt using a 3D HapticPad with an included SmellActuator that uses vials to generate scents related to the product. An additional accessory will be a mobile 3D laser beam the size of a matchbox, which will project a 3D holograph of the products onto any desired location in the room. This would make it possible to, for example, see how a lamp from an online shop would actually look in the customer’s room before placing the order.


eibabo® - technology stores (3D)